Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tina Fey: The Queen of Comedy Writing

When you hear the name Tina Fey, you'll probably most remember her from performing on "Saturday Night Live" and her hit show "30 Rock."  But what you might not know is she once wrote for "Saturday Night Live" in later years of the the 90's.  She performed at "The Second City" in Chicago, from her successful run at "The Second City," she got promoted to SNL, and she became a significant part of the writing staff at SNL.  She starter in 1997. from her start at the writing desk, she brought "Saturday Night Live"out of its long cold stretch.  The show was going through a rough path in the 90's, so bad there was rumors of it being canceled, but with the genius of Tina Fey, she got the show of its funk and brought the show back to comedy fame.  And she brought a huge platform to so many female comedians, he instantly became a feminist icon in comedy and also to women all around the globe.  She has brought so much inspiration to the world, she showed the world that yes, women are funny too, and actually even funnier.

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