Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Media Research Journal

For my research on the media, I talked about how much I use the media on a daily basis, and what in particular am I using.  I am occasionally on my phone, but what I use mostly on my phone is social media apps like Twitter, Facebook, etc.  I don't really use apps like CNN, NYT, etc, for news because when you have an app like Twitter, you can already follow these news sources on Twitter and get the same amount information in under 140 characters and you can so much information instantly, practically 24/7.  It's an incredible source, I almost use these apps for just about 2-3 hours a day.  Now since I use Twitter mostly for latest in news and the latest in what movie I should go see soon, it basically means there is no need for newspapers, which can be a sad situation because is such a special tradition and without it, less reading on actual paper.  But after researching on how much time I use these social media apps for news, I have learned that I should take a break and maybe pick a newspaper for second and see what I could learn differently from a 140 character tweet.

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