Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Compare and Contrast

For my compare and contrast essay, I compared the two movies, "King Kong" from 1933 and Peter Jackson's "King Kong" from 2005.  Both have the same plot, yet still totally different.  When you watch a movie that's directed by Peter Jackson, you're in for a very long roller coaster.  Peter Jackson likes to make you feel the action and he likes you to experience the emotions through each character.  Now with the 1933 "King Kong" there is so many differences, one of them is CGI, no they did not have CGI, but they did use some puppets for the movie to substitute that feature that comes in handy today.  Both movies are great in its own way, for a 1933 movie with no CGI, phenomenal work, to put that all together, that's a movie every kid wants to see.  When you watch movies like these from the past and into the present day, you learn how each period of time has its special moments, in 1933 it was "King Kong" now it might be looked at as a puppet climbing a not so real Empire State Building, but for that period, it was special.  That is why every movie we see today, we should appreciate the work that's being done, we see things that's never been done before every year, and that is what makes the movie industry special, we witness things that one day we will eventually tell our grandchildren.

Media Research Journal

For my research on the media, I talked about how much I use the media on a daily basis, and what in particular am I using.  I am occasionally on my phone, but what I use mostly on my phone is social media apps like Twitter, Facebook, etc.  I don't really use apps like CNN, NYT, etc, for news because when you have an app like Twitter, you can already follow these news sources on Twitter and get the same amount information in under 140 characters and you can so much information instantly, practically 24/7.  It's an incredible source, I almost use these apps for just about 2-3 hours a day.  Now since I use Twitter mostly for latest in news and the latest in what movie I should go see soon, it basically means there is no need for newspapers, which can be a sad situation because is such a special tradition and without it, less reading on actual paper.  But after researching on how much time I use these social media apps for news, I have learned that I should take a break and maybe pick a newspaper for second and see what I could learn differently from a 140 character tweet.

Tina Fey: The Queen of Comedy Writing

When you hear the name Tina Fey, you'll probably most remember her from performing on "Saturday Night Live" and her hit show "30 Rock."  But what you might not know is she once wrote for "Saturday Night Live" in later years of the the 90's.  She performed at "The Second City" in Chicago, from her successful run at "The Second City," she got promoted to SNL, and she became a significant part of the writing staff at SNL.  She starter in 1997. from her start at the writing desk, she brought "Saturday Night Live"out of its long cold stretch.  The show was going through a rough path in the 90's, so bad there was rumors of it being canceled, but with the genius of Tina Fey, she got the show of its funk and brought the show back to comedy fame.  And she brought a huge platform to so many female comedians, he instantly became a feminist icon in comedy and also to women all around the globe.  She has brought so much inspiration to the world, she showed the world that yes, women are funny too, and actually even funnier.

The Rise of Seth Meyers

We all know Seth Meyers from his years on "Saturday Night Live" and all of his memorable moments as the Weekend Update anchor.  He became a star, an icon in comedy.  He had one of the longest running years in SNL history.  He finally departed in 2014, his next step - a host on "Late Night."  This was a big role to take, but with the confidence of Seth Meyers, nothing will stand in his way.  As the show premiered in yearly 2014, he started his show off by standing up and not sitting at a desk.  It was the regular monologue, you stand, you tell jokes from the cue cards, but there was something that just wasn't right.  He seemed a little bit uncomfortable, but he later decided to have the monologue at the desk instead, which later became a huge move that would end up becoming the most successful decision for the show.  The show didn't quite hit its peak at all in 2014 and even in 2015.  I didn't seem to find that go to segment until 2016, it was a segment called "A Closer Look" A 10 minute segment where Seth satires the news, and it became such a big successful, it trends throughout YouTube each day after every segment.  I couldn't be more proud of Seth Meyers, a wonderful man, with a great heart, and who is easily one of the funniest humans in the business, has found his peak.  He and his staff have for sure clinched themselves in the Emmy Award category.